The Latest Def Leppard News


Robert Plant Secretly Roadied for Def Leppard During the 'Hysteria' Tour

(Photo courtesy of Rolling Stone)

The next time you bump into a roadie at a local show, be nice — that might just be one of the world’s biggest rock stars in disguise.

Admittedly, the odds are fairly low. But as Phil Collen revealed in his recently published memoir, Adrenalized: Life, Def Leppard and Beyond, he and his bandmates in Def Leppard received a secret helping hand from Robert Plant during a stop on their tour behind 1987’s Hysteria.

As Collen’s book points out, the band was using a fairly unorthodox stage setup for the tour, which required some extra planning to get the group onstage after Queensrÿche finished their opening set. Because of the way things were laid out, they had to lay in wait under the stage in order to make the kind of dramatic entrance they wanted — but they couldn’t get under it without attracting the attention of fans.

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