The Latest Def Leppard News


Def Leppard Interviews with ABC

ABC Music Lounge exclusive interview with Def Leppard!

ABC Music Lounge: There's a scene in Wicked City that recreates your 'Photograph' video as one of the landmark moments of the 80's.  What are your thoughts on being touted by TV as one of the all-encompassing icons of that time?

Def Leppard: “Its great. I mean mission accomplished.”

Do you have any specific memories of making the 'Photograph' video?

“Yeah, It was immortalized in the movie Spinal Tap. It was at the time that everything was changing. We knew we didn’t look like other rock bands and that made a huge difference. Making that video was special because it made us different. We weren’t following the trends of other rock bands, we were making something iconic as MTV was giving birth to a new type of genre”

Do you enjoy having your music used in movies or TV shows? What is the experience like seeing one of your songs used when it may have a very different message from what you see on screen?

“We love it. That’s what you dream of, your stuff being all over the place. That’s the role of the artist, to get your stuff on as many mediums as possible, it doesn’t matter where.”

Along with a new tour, you also have a new album set to come out soon. What is it like for you guys to get in the studio and make a new album in 2015? Is it mostly the same process that it?s always been, or has it evolved over time?

“Totally different. This was the first album we have ever done in our career for ourselves and because we felt like which made everything different, the dynamic and vibe because no one was down our throats to record it. Hence the title Def Leppard, because it was our own. It had an artistic merit rather than a business merit.”

 To Read the full interview visit ABC